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Our dogs are part of our family. They have emotions that are often times direct respond to our own energy. Domestic pets thrive off of love & attention. When you're away, we'll be the substitute to provide this for them!

Every pets needs vary. Initially you & our owner will sit and discuss what visits will look like. Meeting your pup & you is ideal early on. From there, we will outline what you & your dogs needs are, while you're at work or out of town.

We've cared for dogs that simply need fed & a short walk while their owners are away. As well as dogs that need more attention - requiring a run outside or a very specific eating regimen.

During our overnight care we are a presence in your home while you can not be. Your animals will get the daily attention that they're used to, & your home is protected with someone there to watch over it all!

Advanced Booking!


Book any service in any calender month prior to the month your service will be rendered and receive a 25% discount!


Here at L.A. Sitter we believe in community! If you are a dynamic business. You have a client base you believe would benefit from our services. And you would like to offer them a deal with L.A. SItter, we encourage you to reach out to us.

In the past we have offered GREAT discounts to local yoga studios and other small business. We feel this is a way to give back to both our communities!

Email us, at and lets partner up!

*Per Day: Any day that we are at your home. Including arrival and leaving days. This includes days spent at your home that are not full 24 hours days.

L.A. Sitter and DogForDog have partnered together to help feed/support animals across Los Angeles. Now, everytime you make a dog service purchase with L.A. Sitter you can be assured that part of that purchase is going support animals at a local animal organization. And in return your pup will (if you have a pup) will recieve a special treat as a thank you!

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